Friday, September 4, 2020
Size Exclusion Chromatography- Protein Separation Polyacrylamide Gel Lab Report
Size Exclusion Chromatography-Protein Separation Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis - Lab Report Example These measures were utilized to plot the adjustment bend. The maintenance times, which is identical to elution volume (Ve) of every protein was plotted as an element of the log 10 of the atomic load of the guidelines as appeared in figure two. This alignment bend was utilized to evaluate the relative sub-atomic loads of the obscure examples. The Value for X and Y in this capacity is identical to elution volume (Ve) and Log10 of the sub-atomic weight. Subbing Ve with the maintenance time esteem, the Log M and atomic loads of the obscure examples were resolved as appeared on table three beneath. Size avoidance chromatography is a HPLC strategy that isolates atoms dependent on their size or sub-atomic weight (Bernd, 2). Utilizing this method the atomic load of five obscure protein particles was evaluated as appeared in table three. In any case, the approval test of the strategy didn't give anticipated goals, restricts the legitimacy of the outcomes. Clear and unmistakable tops on this diagram portray a high goals of the examine and subsequently believable outcomes. Various variables, for example, section length, stream rate and specialized blunders may have impacted the helpless goals of the tops in the UV protein ingestion profile (Hong and Fountain, 5-6). Further streamlining analyses might be important to beat these mistakes and accomplish a decent
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Terrace garden free essay sample
In cultivating, a porch is a component where a raised level cleared or graveled area neglects a possibility. A raised patio keeps a house dry and gives a change between the hard materials of the engineering and milder ones of the nursery. We have a long convention of cultivating and finishing. Our literary works and folklores are brimming with references to these. Man consistently thought of normal scene as his optimal environment. Adam initially lived in the Garden of Eden. The majority of the world folklores place that the men of crude individuals fabricate their residences viewing themselves as a feature of scene. Keeps an eye on interest for finishing never decline. The Egyptians had expound gardens with numerous kinds of winged creatures. Romans were partial to gardens in their estates. Chinese delighted in garden structures. English, Italian and Japanese made an impact to develop scene thoughts. What's more, Persians built up an idea of heaven the nursery with all scene components. We will compose a custom paper test on Patio garden or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Thusly, Babylonians fabricated endless supply of nurseries which were structured utilizing the Persian scene components. These nurseries are not made on developed porch however the site really terraced. They offered ascend to thought that we can have cultivates on patios isolated starting from the earliest stage solid chunk. Defense Terrace gardens are frequently found in urban conditions. Plants can lessen the general warmth ingestion of the structure which at that point decreases vitality utilization. The essential driver of warmth develop in urban communities is insolation, the ingestion of sun powered radiation by streets and structures in the city and the capacity of this warmth in the structure material and its ensuing re-radiation. Plant surfaces be that as it may, because of transpiration, don't rise more than 4â€5  °C over the encompassing and are in some cases cooler. This at that point converts into a cooling of nature between 3. 6 and 11. 3 degrees Celsius (6. 5 and 20. 3  °F), contingent upon the region on earth (in more blazing zones, the natural temperature will cool more). The examination was performed by the University of Cardiff. An examination at the National Research Council of Canada indicated the contrasts between Terraces with nurseries and Terraces without gardens against temperature. The examination shows temperature impacts on various layersâ of each Terrace at various times. Porch gardens are clearly helpful in lessening the impacts of temperature against Terraces without gardens. â€Å"If generally embraced, Terrace top nurseries could lessen the urban warmth island, which would diminish exhaust cloud scenes, issues related with heat pressure and further lower vitality utilization. †Becoming green is a high need for urban organizers. The ecological and tasteful advantages to urban communities are the prime inspiration. It was determined that the temperature in Tokyo could be brought down by 0. 11â€0.84  °C if half of all accessible Terrace top space were planted with greenery. This would prompt an investment funds of around 100 million yen. Singapore is extremely dynamic in green urban turn of events. Porch gardens present opportunities for conveying the thoughts of nature and open space further in tall structure advancement. When overviewed, 80% of Singapore inhabitants decided in favor of more Terrace nurseries to be executed in the citys plans. Recreational reasons, for example, relaxation and unwinding, improving the earth, and greenery and nature, got the most measures of votes. Planting Terrace cultivates on highest points of building is an extraordinary method to make city progressively productive. The grower on a Terrace nursery might be intended for an assortment of capacities and fluctuate incredibly top to bottom to fulfill stylish and recreational purposes. These grower can hold a scope of elaborate plants: anything from trees, bushes, vines, or a combination of blossoms. As style and amusement are the need they may not give the ecological and vitality advantages of a green Terrace. Planting on Terrace tops can make urban living increasingly independent and make new vegetables progressively available to urban individuals. Porch gardens are turning into a typical component in todays urban condition. The wonder of arranging on the patios and Terrace tops has developed because of over the top misuse of the urban land. Blocks, cement and black-top have supplanted greenery on flat just as vertical planes. High rises, stopping territories and system of streets have obtained a significant of urban land. The cutting edge methods for transport urges us to make civilities, for example, transport stands, railroad stations and air terminals which have driven away the vegetation and characteristic green spaces from sections of land of urban land. In such clogged condition, Terrace tops and patio of structures gives an important possible wellspring of open air space available to clients of structures. Behind patio gardens and Terrace top scenes is a desire to bring back greenery, which is driven away from urban territories. These are essentially green regions made on the solid chunks. Their need has expanded with structuring of elevated structures which deny their tenants of any visual contact with nature. Patio gardens bring back this missing connection between the man and nature, however on moderate scale. Patio gardens improve the nature of view from the encompassing higher structures and can be explicitly intended to be seen from above. In urban areas around the globe, patio gardens are ordinarily made at three unique levels, which are: I. On Terrace top of a structure. ii. Patios, window boxes, porch overhangs and such anticipated levels out of tower hinder, over the ground level iii. At the platform level, around the base or on Terrace of enormous storm cellars. Patio gardens, planned with appropriate comprehension of essential necessities and auxiliary consideration, can make a wonderful indigenous habitat at any level in the structure. Patio scene gives the outside zones to social between change that in any case is practically difficult to get in thickly created urban areas. This, thusly goes far in achieving the truly necessary mental and physical alleviation to stresses and strains of todays urban life. Pertinence â€Å"In an open Terrace garden, space opens up for confined little scope urban farming, a wellspring of neighborhood food creation. A urban nursery can enhance the weight control plans of the network it takes care of with new create and give a substantial bind to food creation. †At Trent University, there is right now a working Terrace garden which gives food to the understudy bistro and nearby residents. Accessible cultivating territories in urban communities are frequently genuinely inadequate with regards to, which is likely the key driving force for some, Terrace gardens. The nursery might be on the Terrace of a self-governing structure which deals with its own water and waste. Hydroponics and other elective techniques can extend the potential outcomes of Terrace top cultivating by diminishing, for instance, the requirement for soil or its huge weight. Plantings in compartments are utilized broadly in Terrace top nurseries. For the individuals who live in little lofts with little space, square foot planting, or (when even less space is accessible) living dividers (vertical cultivating) can be an answer. These utilization significantly less space than customary planting (square foot cultivating utilizes 20% of the space of ordinary columns; multiple times more produce can be created from vertical nurseries). These likewise energize ecologically mindful works on, wiping out plowing, diminishing or wiping out pesticides, and weeding, and empowering the reusing of squanders through fertilizing the soil. The districts where these motivations will doubtlessly be found are territories where bombing storm water the executives framework is set up, urban warmth island impact has fundamentally expanded the nearby air temperature, or zones where ecological contaminants in the tempest water spillover is of incredible concern . A case of such a motivating force is a one-year property charge credit is accessible in New York City, since 2009, for land owners who green in any event half of their Terrace region. Point The distinction you feel when you go from a black-top parking garage to a tree-concealed park on a blistering summer day. It is additionally the distinction in temperature between a city and the rustic territory that encompasses it. Dull surfaces retain and transmit heat, raising temperatures as much as 6 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit. The outcome is more than awkward. It has ramifications for our condition, our checkbooks and our wellbeing. In the event that your Terrace top is a dim shading, you are paying a lot for your cooling. These dull surfaces ingest heat, thus it takes more vitality to cool the building’s inside. Not exclusively should your forced air system work more earnestly to keep your structure cool, however power plants, one wellspring of air contamination, must stay at work past 40 hours to stay aware of the expanded interest for vitality. The outcome is more significant expenses and debased air quality. The way to diminishing the Urban Heat Island Effect is to lessen the complete territory of dull, heat-retaining surfaces, for example, Terrace and asphalt. Dim Terraces can be made cooler by covering them with intelligent materials, like the manner in which light garments are more agreeable than dim garments on a hot day. Some light-hued roofing materials cost about equivalent to dim shaded Roofing materials. Sun powered boards are another arrangement. They help conceal a Terrace notwithstanding producing perfect, sustainable power source. The utilization of vegetation on a Terrace is a brilliant choice. Plants reflect heat, give shade, and help cool the encompassing air through evapotranspiration. A Terrace garden cuts the vitality use inside the structure, particularly for cooling. The protection a nursery gives helps moderate both warming and cooling vitality. Porch top nurseries retain precipitation and diminish urban spillover that
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Definition Essay Sample on Logic
Definition Essay Sample on Logic The Concise Oxford English Dictionary characterizes rationale as â€Å"the study of thinking, confirmation, thinking, or influence.†Critical speculation as portrayed by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero, ‘is the procedure by which we test cases and contentions and figure out which have legitimacy and which do not.†(Beyond Feelings, 6) At one level, I think we as a whole comprehend what basic thinkingâ means - it implies great deduction instead of outlandish, unreasonable reasoning. Since basic reasoning isn't really being â€Å"critical†and negative I figure it would be fitting or increasingly precise to call it evaluative reasoning. The aftereffects of the assessment can extend from acknowledgment to dismissal, positive, negative, or anything in the middle. As I comprehend it the embodiment of basic reasoning is rationale and that we utilize next to no express rationale in customary life. I comprehend that the fundamental standards of rationale use in assessing con tentions are as per the following: (1) Premises are either evident or bogus (off base or right); (2) Conclusions are either substantial or invalid, (3) Correct premises in addition to legitimate thinking equivalent a sound contention ,and ultimately (3) A mistaken reason or invalid thinking makes a contention unsound. Perceptual procedure I think most about my deduction at the conventional level depends on recognition, language , and data. At the most there is one rationale step: If this than that. I think most reasoning happens in the perceptual stage. These are the issues that emerge, How much do I take in? what's more, How would I take a gander at things? This recognition depends on propensities for discernments and what I hear, what I read and how I communicate. I comprehend that we don't have to utilize a lot of express rationale since we have just incorporated the rationale with our language. For instance, executing is ‘bad’ except if supported by war or self-thick. I realize that with venture choices I followed what was suggested and what my companions were doing and afterward legitimized it with the accompanying defense: Everyone does this and the stock ascents for some time and when the market in the end gets a serious remedy I defend that too. This justification is based onâ information - not a ll-accessible data but rather a choice that fits what I was slanted to do at any rate. I imagine that rationale can be utilized to fortify recognitions (and biases) yet rationale and contention won't change observations. Recognition is more than detecting, it is preparing, responding, and deciphering. Confidence Bryne depicts observation as, â€Å"detecting the idea of both external and inward universes. Much of the time, it additionally implies reacting here and there, either intentionally or unconsciously.†(Perception, 57) Perception is the manner in which we take a gander at things and I think handling is our main event with that discernment. In my view on the off chance that we underestimate handling, at that point recognition turns out to be much increasingly significant, on the grounds that the manner in which we take a gander at a circumstance will figure out what can be done. Perceptual Blocks The impacts (family, educators, religion, race, condition, and monetary level) that have formed or molded my character by ingraining esteems, convictions, perspectives or mentalities that I have acknowledged without demand fills in as a perceptual square. The circumstances where I am less of an individual as a result of these impacts happen when I will not comprehend somebody else’s conclusion or search for different perspectives on account of something I have been molded to accept is valid. I am not exceptionally predictable in guaranteeing that my assessments are educated. Periodically I have not taken cautious thought of the proof and have regarded sentiments as realities particularly in the event that I have communicated it to the point that I have started to trust it as truth. On occasion, in what makes a difference most I am slanted to expect excessively and underestimate excessively. I feel the most grounded inclination to accommodate when somebody is a positive good ex ample and adjusting to this sort of conduct I accept includes esteem. In any case, a circumstance wherein this traditionalist inclination has meddled with my judgment is tailing others since it appeared the lesser of two shades of malice. All to frequently at the work environment this is the means by which a few choices are made just to close an issue that at last will reuse. I think I look to affirm my inclinations instead of control them in looking for proof that just affirms my predisposition and not addressing or looking for the restricting perspective. Also, I will in general hop or make rushed ends more frequently than I might want. This happens all the more so in the zone of individual connections. Exercises Learned I have discovered that there are a few blunders and unfortunate propensities that can prompt shallow or uncritical choices rather than cautious decisions. I have picked up the most knowledge from the accompanying mistakes and unfortunate propensities, which are: Ethnocentricity, Resistance to change (propensities), Conformity, Face sparing (inner self), Rationalization, Stereotyping, Faulty presence of mind, Oversimplification, Hasty ends, and Unwarranted suppositions. I think the genuine key to each the of blunders and propensities referenced above is my being aware of the inclination to do them and to start applying and rehearsing the various ways or ways to deal with keeping away from the blockers to basic reasoning. This will be a continuous procedure on the off chance that I am to be in charge of my own convictions, and to by one way or another increase a comprehension of reality, at that point I should realize what great thinking is, and know about the manners by which my thinking (and that of others) can go off to some far away place. You can likewise arrange a custom exposition, research paper, explore paper, proposal or thesis on rationale from our expert custom article composing administration which furnishes understudies with top notch exceptionally composed papers at a moderate expense.
McDonalds In Moscow Essays - Fast Food, Fast Food Restaurant
McDonalds in Moscow Depict at any rate 5 American Marketing Techniques, used by Russians that you accept upgraded the profitability of the undertaking . 1. McDonalds in Russia was a joint Canadian-Russian endeavor, in which the selected president was a Russian individual. It was done as a matter of first importance since Russian agents know all the explicit parts of working together in Russia, and second of all so as to appear the open that Russians assume a significant job in this endeavor. 2. Moscow was picked for its good area and for being the capital-social focal point of Russia, where individuals are progressively educated and instructed. 3. The opening of the first McDonalds in Russia was extraordinarily publicized and advanced, not just by neighborhood media, yet in addition by the greatest national and world media. Numerous world columnists were welcome to the excellent opening of McDonalds with the goal that they could show this occasion in a good manner to the organization. 4. At the stupendous opening vagrants and kids were served first and free. 5. Numerous high situated authorities from city what's more, national government, and different big names participated in the opening. 6. Regardless of its remote having a place McDonalds acknowledged just national Russian cash, Rubles. Question #2: Identify and portray in any event 5 (five) snags or issues on a corporate level, and how they were tackled and survived. 1. Creation issues. There was no maker or maker in Russia who could produce items required for the business. One of the arrangements was to bring all the items from various nations, yet that would be excessively costly, so the the executives chose to assemble a colossal food handling plant size of 3 football fields so as to deliver every single required item under one rooftop, rather than dispatching it from elsewhere. 2. Absence of Trust. Around then (we are talking about the finish of Cold War) there was an extraordinary absence of trust among Russian and Canadian accomplices. That issue must be overwhelmed by building up a decent and amicable individual connection between top officials of the two sides. 3. Innovation issue. Regardless of its status as a Super-Power, Russia was a long ways behind US and Canada in mechanical turn of events. All the gear for the café must be brought from outside of the nation, even the hardware for the food preparing plant. 4. Political issue. Few out of every odd Russian political pioneer would comprehend the opening of an agent of quite recently hatedcapitalism framework in the core of Russia. The administration had work intently on the McDonalds' s picture in Russia. They needed to present their café not as a Private enterprise interloper, yet as a business that will serve individuals' needs when they are in rush. 5. No nearby directors. There were no neighborhood individuals who could fit the bill for the supervisor's position, so McDonalds needed to enlist a couple Russian men and send them to Canada, where they would gain proficiency with all fundamental abilities. 6. Recruiting representatives. When McDonalds first reported its arrangements to employ new representatives, they began accepting a huge number of uses each day. They needed to discover, select and talk with heaps of individuals, so as to employ most ideal competitors. 7. Unforgiving Russian Winter. As we as a whole know, winter in Russia can be freezing, so McDonalds Corp. needed to set up gracefully of elements for their items from the organizations, which don't rely upon climate conditions. Some of the provisions were delivered by neighborhood homesteads, and some must be imported.j 8. Communicational issues. Notwithstanding its size, Moskow didn't have any telephone directories, or on the other hand professional listings, this made it extremely difficult for organization to discover or find anything or anyone in capital of Russia. It was additionally extremely difficult to build up great correspondence between McDonalds in Moskow and its officials in Canada. 9. Fixings issues. A portion of the fixings that McDonalds utilizes (, for example, potatoes) couldn't be delivered by neighborhood ranchers. Russian potatoes were to large in size, and couldn't be utilized to make a french fries. McDonalds needed to send potato seeds from Europe to duplicate them in Russia Question #3 Do you accept that McDonalds will prevail in a long haul in Moskow ? Answer: It has been ten a long time since McDonalds opened its eatery in Moskow, thus far it has demonstrated its capacity to do a productive business in Russia. Notwithstanding, I don't accept that McDonalds will prevail in Moscow in years to come. So as to demonstrate my perspective, I will give my 5 explanation . 1. After August 98 prudent emergency in Russia,
Friday, August 21, 2020
Theatrical Show Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Showy Show - Essay Example I guess that each watcher watching a play thinks about his encounters to the experience on the stage and connects himself with one of the head legends. That is the reason for most watchers, as I understood after the play, being deserted in young age was excruciating. It was discouraging for me also on the grounds that I reviewed in a flash how inadequately ensured and created I was at thirteen and even sixteen and how my character needed soundness and endurance. They state, that young years are the hardest for guardians and keeping in mind that watching kids who grow up without guardians I felt profound respect and an envy (that I can view as a commendation to the conceivable pictures made o the stage). From one viewpoint, it is an extraordinary test; then again it is such an energizing encounter for youngsters. I surmise that if individuals are shaped in such conditions they can turn out to be genuinely independent individuals. That is the thing that we find in the â€Å"Edith Can Shoot Things and Hit Them†: the procedure of characters improvement. It is extremely difficult to catch this slippery second yet I can't help suspecting that the entertainers of this play adapted to their undertaking. Edith is by all methods a focal figure in the play since she is the most youthful. This young lady is a genuine spitfire who has such huge numbers of various types of weapon that an expert fighter could be astounded. A rifle and a bow with bolts serve her as a representative assurance from the issues of the outside world she can't explain because of her age. Being just twelve, the period when different young ladies simply start walk more distant from their homes, Edith needs to shield her little family from deficiency and indiscreet guardians. I was contacted to consider a to be so solid as a character thus sensitive as an individual inside, and her abilities with a rifle filled in as a decent allegory to me. The entertainer figured out how to feel how somewhat human can conceal her dread of weakness under a veil of swagger and lack of concern. I guess that the on-screen character was
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Large Lecture Hall Survival
Large Lecture Hall Survival One of the scariest things about a large university, and by far the area parents are most concerned with, is class size. Will my daughter be in a class of 20 or 200? Will the professor know her by name? The truth is that all colleges and universities have a balance of large lecture and small discussion classes, and the real challenge is in how you apply yourself. College is all about becoming a self-advocate: if you want your professor to know your name, sit in the front and engage in the material. Unlike high school, it is on the students to make connections. That being said, there are a few tricks that can help you focus in a large lecture your first year in college. First, sit in the front rows. Not being able to see the large sum of students behind you will make your class seem smaller, even if its not. Second, ask questions if you have them. Lectures are not all for lecturing, and nearly all professors would be happy to answer your questions. Third, take notes on paper, not on a computer. Science has proven that writing material by hand ingrains information into your brain. All students will have to face a large lecture class at one point or another. It all boils down to study habits and self-advocacy. Rachel Class of 2020 I am studying Middle Grades Education with concentrations in Social Sciences and Literacy in the College of Education. Although I now reside in Champaign, I am originally from Vernon Hills, a Northwest suburb of Chicago.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Polical Science Term Paper - 1100 Words
Polical Science (Term Paper Sample) Content: Title:Name:Institutional Affiliation:Public administration is the process of executing government policies. It can also be termed as a discipline that deals with the preparation of civil servants to work in the public service. Public policy is considered a bureaucratic move as it involves procedural collective action in decision-making. Several processes are involved including policy identification, agenda setting, policy formulation, policy legitimation, policy implementation and policy evaluation (Dye, 2008). Due to the many questions on what role the public administration plays in public policy process, this paper seeks to analyze these roles.PA is tasked with the role of advocating prudent development of economic segments through macro environment regulation. The leadership in the country is expected to initiate policies that seek to inscribe problems affecting the business environment. Some of the issues PA addresses include the fiscal policies, insecurity, infra structural development, and provision of better health systems. Clemons McBeth (2009) claim that among the issues the PA should address are insecurity, fiscal policies, and infrastructure, so as to ensure its civilians are protected from terroristà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s activities.The government has to rely on its staff for idealization. The civil service plays a major role in the country`s decision-making process. The staff is expected to formulate development agenda that would ensure the welfare of its civilians is enhanced. Some of the development policies may be increasing public finances, privatization of state-owned corporations, encouraging domestic markets for local produce and financing energy firms. Dye (2008) argues that politicians should not rely on policies to create influence and seek reelection but use those policies for the welfare of their nationals.In conclusion, the public administration has a task to oversee in the public policy process. It is expe... Polical Science Term Paper - 1100 Words Polical Science (Term Paper Sample) Content: Title:Name:Institutional Affiliation:Public administration is the process of executing government policies. It can also be termed as a discipline that deals with the preparation of civil servants to work in the public service. Public policy is considered a bureaucratic move as it involves procedural collective action in decision-making. Several processes are involved including policy identification, agenda setting, policy formulation, policy legitimation, policy implementation and policy evaluation (Dye, 2008). Due to the many questions on what role the public administration plays in public policy process, this paper seeks to analyze these roles.PA is tasked with the role of advocating prudent development of economic segments through macro environment regulation. The leadership in the country is expected to initiate policies that seek to inscribe problems affecting the business environment. Some of the issues PA addresses include the fiscal policies, insecurity, infra structural development, and provision of better health systems. Clemons McBeth (2009) claim that among the issues the PA should address are insecurity, fiscal policies, and infrastructure, so as to ensure its civilians are protected from terroristà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s activities.The government has to rely on its staff for idealization. The civil service plays a major role in the country`s decision-making process. The staff is expected to formulate development agenda that would ensure the welfare of its civilians is enhanced. Some of the development policies may be increasing public finances, privatization of state-owned corporations, encouraging domestic markets for local produce and financing energy firms. Dye (2008) argues that politicians should not rely on policies to create influence and seek reelection but use those policies for the welfare of their nationals.In conclusion, the public administration has a task to oversee in the public policy process. It is expe...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Diagnosing and Treating Illness with the Imaging...
The study of radiology involves the use of imaging technology to diagnose and treat an illness. The method most commonly used to diagnose is projection radiography which produces radiographs by transmitting X-Rays through the patient to create an image. Other forms of radiology that are used to diagnose include CT scanning, Ultrasounds, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Fluoroscopy, and Nuclear Medicine. The story of radiology started in 1895 when Wilhelm Conrad Rà ¶ntgen made the discovery in November of 1895. While working with his Cathode Ray generator Rà ¶ntgen noticed the ability to view an image using electromagnetic radiation. To test his discovery Rà ¶ntgen performed an X-Ray on his wife’s hand which revealed that the ray could pass through human tissue leaving the bones and metals to show. In December of 1895 Rà ¶ntgen published his manuscript â€Å"On a New Kind of Ray†to the Wurzburg Physical Medical Institute. His discovery was quickly transmitted throughout the world and his experiment was easily repeated due to the fact that many places had the Cathode Ray readily available. As the results began to improve and become more accurate, so did the technology allowing the radiographs that were made on glass photographic plates be replaced by film; a contribution made my George Eastman in 1918.The first radiology department of the world opened up at Glasgow Royal Infirmary in 1896 and in the same year came the first diagnosis by Dr. Hall-Edwards. Growing knowledge made itShow MoreRelatedMagnetic Resonance Imaging (Mri) and Computed Tomography Scan (Ct)790 Words  | 4 PagesMagnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computed Tomography Scan (CT) Modern medical technology allows physicians to capture detailed images of the body for diagnosing and treatment planning of various health issues. Radiologists use imaging technologies to diagnose or treat diseases. 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Monday, May 18, 2020
Relationship between Two Sisters in A Pair of Tickets by...
People who say that home is where the heart is are absolutely right when it comes to the story of Jing-Mei in Amy Tan’s A Pair of Tickets. This unique story provides a look into the mind of a young girl who meets her long lost relatives for the first time and the connection she feels with them as well as with her surroundings. This story is a great parallel to the connection that can be shared in a family even across long distances. Amy Tan is a brilliant author and has mastered the use of literary techniques such as backstory, multiple settings, conflict to further the plot, convey culture, the possessions that are on each carrying and relationship between the two sisters. Unlike one’s typical narrative, the plot line of A Pair of Tickets does not follow in a straight line but rather is entirely based on a backstory that the reader gradually becomes aware of throughout the story. The story begins at a train stop in China where the main character has come to unite w ith her long lost twin half sisters. The reader does not know why however until a little bit later in the story when Tan reveals the backstory as to why she is just now meeting her twin sisters, why they were separated, and the history behind their mother. All of this information is key to the story as a whole but is only revealed gradually. The use of backstory in A Pair of Tickets by Amy Tan is a sign not only of a well thought out story but also a tribute to the superb writing ability of a great author.Show MoreRelated The Significance of Mother-Daughter Relationships in Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club1701 Words  | 7 PagesMother-Daughter Relationships in Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club In her novel The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan tells of the lives of four Chinese immigrant mothers, their hopes, their dreams and the way each of their daughters feel about their mothers lives. Mother-daughter relationships are the basis for the entire story. Tan shows the hardships each mother experiences as a child and young adult, and how they all want better lives for their daughters. She shows the struggles between the mothers andRead MoreAmy Tans A Pair Of Tickets1797 Words  | 8 PagesAnalysis of Setting in Amy Tan’s â€Å"A Pair of Tickets†In Amy Tan’s â€Å"A Pair of Tickets,†setting unfolds an important aspect of the story by positioning a ‘where’ and ‘when.’ Throughout the story, June May struggles with her internal conflict of resisting her Chinese culture. However, she begins to release this resistance as she ventures through China. The setting perpetuates the theme through the usage of transportation, the significance of the color gray amongst colors, and June May’s transitionRead MoreParenting As A Blended Family1718 Words  | 7 PagesParenting in A Blended Family The family dynamics in Max Apple’s â€Å"Stepdaughters†and Amy Tan’s â€Å"A Pair of Tickets†displays some of the issues that parents, stepparents and teenagers may or may not experience. A mother’s relationship with her children has a very unique connection, especially when it comes our daughters. Being a mother or stepmother is a problematical and rewarding experience: nevertheless, a mother’s love is unconditional. 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Jim Hughes was a cold, difficult man, who was driven by ambition to make money and achieve respect. He had moved to Mexico to avoid segregation and racial injustice in the United States. As the manager of an electric company andRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesPerception? 166 Factors That Influence Perception 167 165 Person Perception: Making Judgments About Others 168 Attribution Theory 168 †¢ Common Shortcuts in Judging Others 170 †¢ Specific Applications of Shortcuts in Organizations 173 The Link Between Perception and Individual Decision Making 174 Decision Making in Organizations 175 The Rational Model, Bounded Rationality, and Intuition 175 †¢ Common Biases and Errors in Decision Making 177 Influences on Decision Making: Individual Differences and
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Energy Source Of Energy - 868 Words
In an era where fossil fuels are the dominant source of energy, environmentalists and scientists are looking for alternative energy sources in the fear that fossil fuels will sooner or later become consumed by our energy needs. In the hunt to find a strong alternative energy source, scientists have reverted back to an old formula E=MC2. The indicated formula was first thought up by Albert Einstein to describe a part of general relativity in the paper â€Å"Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content?†Furthermore, in his publication Albert Einstein explains that mass and kinetic energy are proportionally equal. Meaning you can transfer energy into mass and vice versa. In addition if you are able to transfer mass into energy that mass will be multiplied by the speed of light (C) squared, meaning that a little mass can turn into a lot of energy. Moreover, Einstein’s reasoning for using the speed of light is because atoms when separated travel the speed of l ight thus carrying a lot of energy. At the time Einstein was working on trying to find ways to separate and or fuse atoms in order to gain energy and put his formula to use. However, today we have found two different ways of doing so in what we call nuclear fusion and nuclear fission. Nuclear fusion has been around since the big bang, as it is the process that powers stars just like ours and is how our universe continues to grow. Moreover, nuclear fusion occurs when two or more atoms fuse together at very highShow MoreRelatedEnergy Sources Of Energy Source Essay1464 Words  | 6 PagesEnergy is a big part of our lives. We are heating our homes with natural gas or electricity and driving to and from work and any other outdoors activities. Our main source of the energy people use is fossil fuels and in the future, the availability of those sources has an end date. As studies show there are renewable resources of fuel and other equipment used for energy like wind, nuclear power plants and solar hydroelectric. There are many pros and cons to all forms of energy source, and theyRead MoreEnergy Sources Of Renewable Energy1292 Words  | 6 Pages1. Introduction. Nowadays, with the continuous increase in the demand for energy consumption resulted by both population and socioeconomic growth, making it a priority to satisfy such a demand for all developed countries. This report aims initially to focus on the energy situation in the United Kingdom, and then present two forms of energy conventional energy in specific coal, and renewable energy which is wind energy, and will finally recommend the most suitable one after comparing and contrastingRead MoreEnergy Of Renewable Energy Sources Essay1568 Words  | 7 PagesIn recent years many endeavors have been devoted to reduce the pollutant energy generation by increasing the utilization of clean energy sources. Actually, the power sector is responsible for roughly a quarter of anthropogenic CO2 emissions [1]. Thus, the widespread introduction of renewable energy sources is seen to be one of the major solutions. Meanwhile, fossil fuel based power plants will still be needed. In any case, fully abs taining from the use of fossil fuels is difficult. Nevertheless,Read MoreRenewable Sources Of Energy And Energy1120 Words  | 5 PagesAlternate energies are forms of energy that do not deplete natural resources or harm the earth. The sources of the energies are naturally found or generated or are part of a natural conversion from one source into another. Energy cannot be destroyed but can be converted into other forms, therefore there are many reactions occurring around us that allow us to harness these energies. 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Its energy was used to heat andRead MoreEnergy Sources For Alternative Energy930 Words  | 4 Pagesto create diverse methods of generating powerful, dependable energy sources that do not have negative repercussions on our environment. Alternative energy refers to sources that do not create undesired consequences, such as fossil fuels do (Alternative Energy 2015). Not only are emissions from fossil fuels concerning, but also these resources are not going to be available for our use forever, making changes for alternative energy sources a pressing topic of discussion. British Petroleum and RoyalRead MoreSources Of Energy1062 Words  | 5 Pagesrenewable sources in our existing infrastructure, major challenges are arising, as their supply is generally unstable and unpredictable. Too often, integrated renewable sources are curtailed and the energy is wasted for the safety of our existing electrical grid [1-6]. A logical solution would be to include large-scale energy storage systems, which would reduce the curtailment and increase the utilization of these clean sources, such as wind turbines and photovoltaics. A large-scale energy storageRead MoreRenewable Energy Sources Of Energy2600 Words  | 11 PagesThe worldwide demand of energy has been increasing considerably. Up to 2030, it is supposed to be 60% higher than today (B. SCHMITZ, 2013). Currently, non-renewable energy sources, like coal and oil, are more commonly used, since they are cheaper than renewable energies. In the European Union, 80% of the energy consumption demands are covered by fossil sources (B. SCHMITZ, 2013). But, non-renewable energy sources are running out and they are also very harmful for the environment, since they generate
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Into the Wild Reader Response Essay - 670 Words
Into the Wild Reader Response Into the Wild, written by Jon Krakauer, is a memoir about how living in the wilderness and how Chris McCandless lived nearly two years in the wild. Throughout the novel, Krakauer relates Chris’ adventures to his own experience in mountain climbing and living on his own. This is not your typical memoir where the author tells a story about their lives. Jon Krakauer is not the main character; however he tells a story of this boy who leaves his well-developed family for no apparent reason. But not only does he tell Chris’ story, he tells his own by fusing them altogether. The story starts out and it is telling about all these people and how they relate to Chris McCandless, but it is extremely hard to tell†¦show more content†¦This book is what I needed to become more knowledgeable of the circumstances and the things that could happen. As soon as I picked this book up, I could not put it down. Every chance I got, I was reading. I was b egging in class for you to let us have down time so I could submerge myself into this virtual reality that I wanted to experience. Unfortunately at the end of this memoir, Chris McCandless dies of what Krakauer believes to be starvation. The cool thing about how Krakauer revised this novel is how he relates it to all teenagers. At one point in time mostly all teenagers have a fight with their parents and they feel as if running away from it all is their only escape. He focuses on Chirs McCandless’ life so much to create the theme that no matter how much you fight and argue, your parents love you and they want the best for you no matter what. I will recommend this book to everyone because it has elements that I feel most books do not have. It was enjoyable to read because I have had many problems with my father and this book helped me come to a revelation. This book kept me going and all I wanted to do was curl up underneath my covers and read this book. It was such an inspira tional tool that will never leave my heart and I will always cherish how it made me feel. I am really excited to read his other book Into the Air. If it is anything like this book, I will loveShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis of Yeats and Updike1251 Words  | 6 PagesThe poems, The Wild Swans at Coole and The Great Scarf of Birds, unconsciously play off one another. Yeats and Updike paint similar pictures about similar topics. Although these poems consist of similar subjects, the authors diction and details are at completely different ends of the poetry spectrum. William Butler Yeats poem The Wild Swans at Coole tells of a man who, in the autumn, would visit this pool of water that was a resting place for a flock of swans. He visits them oneRead MoreEssay on Reader Response Criticism of All Bears717 Words  | 3 Pagesthe author is often not over their shoulder interpreting the text as he or she meant it to come across. 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Compare this with how Thomas presents his negative emotions in other poems. In this poem Thomas lies awake at night, listening to the rain falling onto the roof of the hut that he rests within. This poem was written just before Thomas went onto the battlefield. The rain and Thomas’ solitude prompts thoughts of those soldiers who are exposed to the danger and death in the outside world. This also connotesRead MoreImperfection In The Scarlet Letter1098 Words  | 5 PagesNathaniel Hawthorne uses the symbolism of the Wild Rosebush, Hester’s Cabin, and the sunlight and the forest to contribute to the overall theme of imperfection. To begin, Hawthorne uses the Wild Rosebush to contribute to the overall theme of imperfection. The Wild Rosebush is a symbol for good being in evil and evil being in good. It also shows how sin can be beautiful and nature can be bad, like a rose with thorns. Hawthorne transitions into the story using the Wild Rosebush and uses it throughout the storyRead MoreCorruption In The Great Gatsby Analysis1160 Words  | 5 Pagesyou glimpses into the lives of the rich and shows you their desperation for fulfillment.This novel has haunted readers for many generations and has caused even the greatest of the critics to be speechless, simply because Gatsby is a novel that challenges everything you thought you knew about your morals.The protagonist, Jay Gatsby compels the reader to contradict their own thoughts.The reader rides the fine line between scorning him and seeing his efforts as simply Ludacris or being enthralled by hisRead MoreSymbolism In The Scarlet Letter1101 Words  | 5 Page sNathaniel Hawthorne uses the symbolism of the Wild Rosebush, Hester’s Cabin, and the sunlight and the forest to contribute to the overall theme of imperfection. To begin, Hawthorne uses the Wild Rosebush to contribute to the overall theme of imperfection. The Wild Rosebush is a symbol for good being in evil and evil being in good. It also shows how sin can be beautiful and nature can be bad, like a rose with thorns. Hawthorne transitions into the story using the Wild Rosebush and uses it throughout the storyRead MoreInto The Wild By Jon Krakauer1349 Words  | 6 PagesSummary Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer is a true story about Chris McCandless who is found dead in the Alaskan wild during September 1992. After discovering that his father had a secret secondary family when Chris was young, Chris pushes away his friends and family and eventually isolates himself. He obtains $25,000 from his parents by lying about attending law school and drives away from home, deserting his real name. He later leaves his car in Georgia after an engine breakdown due to rain damage
Vendor-specific Objective Evidence Free Essays
Hemo-Tech Case Presentation Outline * 1 Myles Intro: Facts: * 1 Issues: Multiple Element Arrangement * How should revenue be allocated to each deliverable? * What sales price should be allocated to each deliverable? * How are deliverables defined? * 25-4 â€Å"A vendor shall evaluate all deliverables in an arrangement to determine whether they represent separate units of accounting. That evaluation shall be performed at the inception of the arrangement and as each item in the arrangement is delivered. * 25-5 â€Å"In an arrangement with multiple deliverables, the delivered item or items shall be considered a separate unit of accounting if both of the following criteria are met: * a. We will write a custom essay sample on Vendor-specific Objective Evidence or any similar topic only for you Order Now The delivered item or items have value to the customer on a standalone basis. The item or items have value on a standalone basis if they are sold separately by any vendor or the customer could resell the delivered item(s) on a standalone basis. In the context of a customer’s ability to resell the delivered item(s), this criterion does not require the existence of an observable market for the deliverable(s). b. Subparagraph superseded by Accounting Standards Update No. 2009-13 * c. If the arrangement includes a general right of return relative to the delivered item, delivery or performance of the undelivered item or items is considered probable and substantially in the control of the vendor * 25-6 â€Å"A delivered item or items that do not qualify as a separate unit of accounting within the arrangement shall be combined with the other applicable undelivered item(s) within the arrangement. The allocation of arrangement consideration and the recognition of revenue then shall be determined for those combined deliverables as a single unit of accounting. †* * warranty, update machines * 2 Sandra Alternatives: * Company’s selling price to a different customer * A different company’s selling price of the same product * Selling price of a similar product’s profit margin, applied to the total costs of product * Proportional based on costs * 3 4 Troy Jessie Literature: Multiple-Deliverable Revenue Arrangements: ASC 605-25 * Vendor-specific objective evidence:  ASC 605-25-30-6A * 30-6A Vendor-specific objective evidence of selling price is limited to either of the following: * a. The price charged for a deliverable when it is sold separately ( annually, supplies-$3,000 per box, monitor and test-$600,000 annually) * b. For a deliverable not yet being sold separately, the price established by management having the relevant authority (it must be proba ble that the price, once established, will not change before the separate introduction of the deliverable into the marketplace). Third-party evidence: ASC 605-25-30-6B * Third-party evidence of selling price is the price of the vendor’s or any competitor’s largely interchangeable products or services in standalone sales to similarly situated customers. * screen and report services-$730,000 median price * Estimated selling price: ASC 605-25-30-6C * The vendor’s best estimate of selling price shall be consistent with the objective of determining vendor-specific objective evidence of selling price for the deliverable; that is, the price at which the vendor would transact if the deliverable were sold by the vendor regularly on a standalone basis. The vendor shall consider market conditions as well as entity-specific factors when estimating the selling price. * equipment * 5 6 Kelly Crystal Recommendations * IFRS: IAS 18? Type: Revenue Recognition Subject: Accounting for multiple-element revenue transactions under U. S. GAAP  (specifically identifying deliverables and determining selling price) and exploring the sources of IFRS guidance for such transactions How to cite Vendor-specific Objective Evidence, Papers
Research in Business Motivation Factor †Myassignmenthelpl.Com
Question: Discuss about theResearch in Business for Motivation Factor. Answer: Introduction Retention of employees is holding or trying to hold the employees in the organization. Retention of workers can be stated as the process wherein the employees are motivated and encouraged by their employers to stay in the organization for a longer period or until the project gets over with which the employees are related (Mowday et al, 2013). Retention of employees is both beneficial for the employees and the organization, the employee who is associated with the firm for a longer period is a depot of knowledge and the employee act as a valuable asset for the company. The organization start facing problems when there is high turnover retention in the company (ALDamoe, et al, 2012). The primary reason for the high turnover retention is that there are no positive factors in the company that motivate the employees to work with that particular organization (Hong et al., 2012). Increasing work pressure on the present employees and increasing turnover rate will cause the new employees to sh ift to some other organization. So it is very crucial for the organization to concentrate on these factors that help in retention of employees in the organization. Problem Statement There are several problems related to the retention of employees that all the organizations face in the current scenario. In the recent years, businesses have realized that their employees are the main assets, and they have also taken the initiative to encourage and motivate their employees to stay in the business for a longer duration or until the project, on which they are working get completed (Bryant Allen, 2013). When an employee leaves an organization, then it causes an imbalance in the company and also results in a loss. The primary aim of this study is to identify the factor that helps in the retention of employees in an organization. Factor such as job satisfaction, job security, compensation and reward to the employees and work-life balance help an organization in retaining their employees (Salome, et al., 2014). Objectives of the Research The main objectives of the study are listed below: To highlight different factors helping in employees retention in a company To evaluate the relationship between job security and employees retention To evaluate the relationship between job satisfaction and retention of employees To evaluate the connection between work-life balance and employees retention To highlight the connection between level of compensation with the employees retention To conduct a comparative analysis of the employee's retention depending upon their experiences at the workplace. Research Questions What are the different factors that help employees retention in an organization? What is the relationship between security in job and employees retention? What is the relationship between satisfaction in job and employees retention? What is the connection between work-life balance and employees retention? What is the relationship between rate of compensation and employees retention? Justification Retention of employees plays a crucial role in the growth of the organization, and there are several factors, that make the retention of employees possible (Sageer, et al, 2012). There are a lot of concern and needs that are associated with employee's retention in business. The HR profession spends a lot of time in choosing the individuals from a large crowd of talents. The HR profession conducts different tests and interviews, while choosing the employees (Schmitt, et al, 2012). When the company recruit a new employee, the management of the company invests every possible amount to makes sure that the new employee is ready for the job (Van Dyk Coetzee, 2012). Recruiting an employee is a tough task and involves lot of time and money, so when an employee leaves the job, it may affect the business adversely. There is also a huge possibility that the employee may join the rival organization and thus, may result in leakage of valuable information, adversely affecting the previous organiz ation, so it is important for the employer to make the worker sign an agreement (Nwokocha Iheriohanma, 2012). The Harsh employer will restrain its employees to join the firm of the competitor (Kumar Chakraborty, 2013). It is also important for the employees to abide by the code and conduct of the company and they also need to interact with the other members of the organization. A proper coordination between the team members will benefit the organization in achieving their objectives (Patel Conklin, 2012). It is also challenging for the employees, as they have to gain the faith of the company. The employees, who are associated with an organization for a longer period, are considered loyal to the company (Robinson et al., 2014). The employees of the organization also get different benefits, which includes job security, compensation and rewards, job satisfaction and work-life balance. So the above discussion highlights the importance of employee's retention in an organization. Expected Outcomes of the Study The expected outcomes of the research will highlight the factors that help in employees retention in the manufacturing industry, and the different factors are job satisfaction, work-life balance, flexibility, rewards and compensation and job security (Buciuniene Skudiene, 2015). These factors will not affect the relationship but will improve the career opportunity, leadership, distributive justice, and reorganization. Among all these factors job security is the most critical variable that helps employee's retention in the industry (Aguenza Som, 2012). Satisfaction in the job is considered as the second most crucial variable in identifying the factors that help retention of the employees in the firm. Then the third important factor is Autonomy ( Laschinger, et al., 2012). In the study the hypothesis of a positive relationship between security of job and employees retention is correct, so researcher accepts the null hypothesis. The second hypothesis which highlights a positive connec tion between rewarding employees and employees retention is also true, so researcher accepts the null hypothesis. Conceptual Framework There are several previous research conducted by several researcher, which highlights that there are many factors that can help in employees retention in an organization. Training and development, working environment, job satisfaction, reward system and justice in the organization are some important factors that help in retention of employees (Ashar et al., 2013). These are some important factors that reduce absenteeism and help retaining employees. Apart from these, there are some other factors, that are important, and they are job security, training, and work environment. Several studies have proved that work-place environment, rewards, and compensation, training and development are important motivational factors that help in retaining employees in the organization. In this study factors such as job security, work-life balance, compensation and job satisfaction are independent variables and the retention of employees is the dependent variable. These are the factors that motivate th e employees and with motivation the possibility of the workers to leave the job declines. And the independent variable job satisfaction is related to the independent variable retention of employees. Thus, it can be inferred that retention of employees will be dependent upon these factors (Heavey, et al., 2013). Security in the job will be helpful for the workers who are satisfied with their work, then the workers who are not happy with their job. The increasing dissatisfaction may result due to the growing insecurity among the workers. Different studies have highlighted that retention of the employees and job satisfactions are positively related (Sears et al., 2013). Hypothesis of the Research H1: security in job helps in the employees retention in an organization H0: security in job does not help in the employee's retention in an organization H2: the correlation between retention of employees in the industry and job satisfaction is positive H0: negative correlation between retention of employees in the industry and job satisfaction H3: Work-life balance and retention of employees have a positive relationship H0: No positive correlation between Work-life balance and retention of employees has a positive relationship. Methodology The methodologies that are used in conducting the study and solving the question are highlighted below: Literature Review This part of the study highlights the importance of employee's retention in an organization and the how it is beneficial for the organization. This part also highlights the theories and concepts related to this topic. Data Collection Method In this study to select the sample, the method of sampling is used. There are two methods of sampling, and they are probabilistic and non-probabilistic sampling method (Donley, 2012). To, reduce the biases, the random sampling method is used because its saves a lot of time. To conduct the study the researcher will select 50 employees of the manufacturing industry and three managers, which belong to the same industry for conducting the interview. The researcher will use a questionnaire for the purpose of research. While conducting the survey, closed-ended questions will be asked of the employees and the managers have to face open-ended question (Hughes, 2012). The employees and the managers have to rate in between 1 to 5, where 5 interpret the strong agreement, and 1 interprets strong disagreement, and during the survey, the employees provide their responses that motivate them to continue with the organization. And all the questions are prepared to keep in mind the motivational factor s of the employees. Focused Groups This research has particularly focused on the group of 50 employees of an organization. For the purpose of the study the researcher has performed quantitative data analysis, which will help them in collecting the perception of the employees and the interaction of human within the organization (Bryman, 2012). And the study has also included three managers of the organization, and the managers have to face qualitative questions. Data Analysis Method To conduct this particular study the researcher has used both the qualitative and quantitative analysis to collect the data. The data from the primary source has been collected using the qualitative method of data collection. In the study, the quantitative analysis of data will include bar diagrams and pie charts, which are prepared using, Excel sheets (Chandra Sharma, 2013). And for the research the researcher uses descriptive analysis. The different statistics that are calculated in the research are the mean, median and standard deviation. Together with the statistics the researchers will also perform correlation for all the factors that impact the retention of the employees. Organizing the Study The study has been organized in different in chapters, which are as follows: Chapter1: Chapter 1 includes the research proposal that is highlighted in the proposal. Chapter 2: in this particular chapter, factor that helps in retaining the employee in an organization is highlighted. Chapter 3: this particular chapter highlights the different methods the researcher used for the research purpose. The researcher made use of literature data collection, literature reviews, analysis of data and primary key indicators. Chapter 4: in this chapter information that will help in the discussing the outcomes that are research related are included. Chapter 5: in this different chapter information are included, which helps in highlighting the factors that help the organization in retaining their employees. Ethical Consideration It is paramount for the researcher to abide by all the ethical consideration for accomplishing the study successfully. The researcher also needs to make sure that he is utilizing all the collected data for the purpose of study only. The researcher cannot use these data for the commercial purpose. The researchers are also liable to protect the data under the data protection act. Different studies have also highlighted that increase in satisfaction reduces the employee's tendency to leave their present job, which in turn helps the organization in reducing the cost of recruiting new employees. The workers who are satisfied with their work will perform better than the unsatisfied employees. Satisfied workers are more efficient, creative and have a high chance to retain. Satisfaction in a job helps the organization to maintain a strong and stable workforce (Elnaga Imran, 2013). The flexibility in the workplace also plays a determining role in the retention of the employees. All the workers in an organization prefer working in a more flexible environment. If the workers are provided with flexible timings than it will enable them to spend more time with the family, thus helping the employees to manage work-life balance properly. If an organization has too much of restrictions than it would not be an encouraging environment for the employees to work in the organization (Brunetto et al, 2012). Grant Chart Primary actions First week Second week Third week Fourth and fifth week Sixth week Seventh week Selection of topic Reviewing the literature and study existing theory Methodology of the research Collecting primary data Analysis and interpretation of data Results Conclusion End task and submission Budget Proposed for the Research The total expenses for the research are 6000 dollars, for completing the study framework within the determined period, as it is highlighted in the Grant Chart. The resources for the literature review have been collected from various textbooks, journals and online resources. The researcher had to purchase the materials online or from other sources that are used for research purpose. And the total cost of purchasing the resources is approximately 2500 dollars. The data which are collected through the medium of the questionnaire also includes the cost of travelling, printing, and posting of the questionnaire to the workers. The medium of email is not used for this purpose because the email might go to the spam box. In the process, the researcher will question the respondent directly. And the area of the research is located far away from the location of the researcher, so all the expenses will sum up to approximately 2500 dollars. Accessing data from the government and analysis of the data should be completed with the given period and allotted budget. And the budget allocated for this purpose is 1000 dollars. Detailed Representation of the Proposed Budget Objective Estimated amount to be spent(in dollars) Reviewing the literature 2500 Data collection 2500 Data analysis 1000 Total Estimated Budget 6000 Conclusion The above assignment has enlightened us on the topic employee's retention in an organization. Retention of workers can be stated as the process wherein the employees are motivated and encouraged by their employers to stay in the organization for a longer period or until the project gets over with which the employees are related (Mowday et al, 2013). This assignment has also enlightened us on the different factors that help an organization in retaining their employees. Employee's retention plays a vital role in the development process of an organization, and they are the main assets of the company. Retention of employees helps both the organization and the employees. The employee who is involved with the organization for a longer period is the storehouse of knowledge. The assignment has also highlighted different factors such as security in the job, satisfaction in job, rewards and compensation and work-life balance which helps an organization in retaining their employees. 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Friday, May 1, 2020
The Impact of the Brexit Referendum on Pension Funds
Question: Discuss about The Impact of the Brexit Referendum on Pension Funds. Answer: Introduction The Brexit Referendum occurred in 2016 when the United Kingdom Government opted to withdraw or to exit the European Union. During that referendum, 51.9% voted to leave the European Union (Kao, and Authers, 2016, pp.2-50). This essay discusses why Britain opted to leave the European Union, and the action taken by the Bank of England weeks and months after the decision of the United Kingdom to leave the European Union. It also discusses the impact of the actions of the Bank of England actions on matters relating to the pension industry in the United Kingdom (Kao, and Authers, 2016, pp.2-50). This essay also discusses the obligations of pension funds and the rates of returns of pension funds to meet those obligations (Kao, and Authers, 2016, pp.2-50). Lastly, the essay evaluates the impact of Brexit on the rates of return for pensioners to maintain an acceptable standard of living concerning investment in the real estate industry (Kao, and Authers, 2016, pp.2-50). Reasons for Brexit There are three main reasons why Britain wanted to leave the European Union, namely: economics, immigration and identity (Arnold, 2012, Pp.210-299). The economics issue is that the United Kingdom sends money to the headquarters of the European Union (EU) known as an annual contribution, which the country is eligible to comply with or to contribute as a member of the European Union. The main aim of these grants was that the European Union could aid in matters relating to trade in a free market economy (Arnold, 2012, Pp.210-299). Ideally, the European Union could reduce the risks associated with trading and at the same time enable Britain realize high returns from trading at a common market (Arnold, 2012, Pp.201-299). The arguments for the United Kingdom were that these contributions were being redistributed to other member states, which could be used in other activities. The disadvantage of this is that leaving the European Union would lead to a wreck in the British Economy and probably the World Economy (, 2016). This is because Britain would be forced to leave the common market where they used to sell their goods in exchange for other products and services or cash for favorable terms unless they came into bilateral agreements with the European Union (Arnold, 2012, Pp.300-319). Despite these bilateral agreements, even if the European Union allows Britain to trade in the common market, they would be forced to sell under unfavorable terms in that they would not be protected against risk and returns. The United Kingdom Government also opted to leave the European Union due to immigration. On this factor, when Britain was a member state, any member of the European Union was able to relocate and work in the United Kingdom without needing a work permit or visa (Arnold, 2012, Pp.300-319). Here, the government of the United Kingdom non-citizens of the United Kingdom would come up and use the already scarce natural and public resources such as National Health Service and welfare. The government was afraid that immigration would lead to overcrowding in urban areas as well as depletion of resources that were already scarce (Arnold, 2012, Pp.300-319). Space was also limited, and immigration of the non-citizens would have led to overcrowding and hence overpopulation. Other Democrats argued that immigration was good for the economy. They made this claim in that they believed that it would open a way so that the United Kingdom could trade in other countries (Arnold, 2012, Pp.300-319). It woul d also reduce the barriers and tariffs to trade as it would be perceived as they were upholding the interests of the people of the member states of the European Union. The last reason but not the least why the United Kingdom opted to exit the European Union was issues relating to identity (Bodie, Kane and Marcus, 2014, Pp.310-318). Here, the people of the United Kingdom did not perceive themselves as Europeans, and the question they had in mind was whether the British identity in the European Union was a complicated one. Ideally, as a member state the United Kingdom had to comply with the various European Union policies which some seemed overly constrictive and ridiculous such as the policy relating to bananas and pet horses (Bodie, Kane and Marcus, 2014, Pp.310-318). Here, the Brussels bosses banned the selling of rogue bananas that had malformations and abnormal curvatures. These restrictions seemed absurd which made the United Kingdom opt to leave the European Union (EU). The other restriction was on pet horses, which made it illegal for people to eat pet horses. However, they were still allowed to eat other horses (, 2016). The governmen t of the United Kingdom (UK) argued that since they were allowed to eat other types of horses, they had to be allowed to eat other horses (Bodie, Kane and Marcus, 2014, Pp.310-318). Due to this disagreement, the United Kingdom opted to leave the European Union. Major Actions were taken by the Bank of England following the Decision of the United Kingdom to Leave the European Union The Bank of England anticipated a period of uncertainty and adjustment weeks and months after Brexit. Here, they expected that there would be volatility in the market and the economy. The Bank of England was well prepared for this (Layne, 2014, Pp.198-218). They engaged in extensive contingency planning or other words known as Plan B.' Because of this, the Bank of England had to raise over 130 billion of capital by offering loans at a high interest rate to cater for the fluctuations and the volatility of the economy and the market. The Bank of England also planned to assess the economic conditions of the United Kingdom after their exit in the European Union. They also judged that the risks that were associated with Brexit were the most significant ones as all sectors of the economy both private and public would be affected by the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union. They claimed that the departure would lead to financial instability in the country. To mitigate these risks, the Bank of England took actions such as ensuring that the core of the financial systems of the United Kingdom was well-capitalized, stable and liquid (Layne, 2014, Pp.198-218). They were able to do this since the Bank of England had liquidity facilities about the sterling and foreign currencies preventing the erosion or depreciation of their currency against other currencies. The Bank of England took other actions such as consulting and cooperating with all the relevant domestic and international authorities such as the World Bank. This was done to ensure that the financial system of the United Kingdom could be able to absorb any financial distress and that it could be able to concentrate on serving the real economy (Layne, 2014, Pp.222-261). Due to the decisions made by the United Kingdom, the economy country had to adjust to new trading relationships. The contribution or the actions of the Bank of England to this matter were that they would continue to relentlessly pursue their responsibilities for financial and monetary stability in the United Kingdom. Impact of the Actions taken by the Bank of England on the UK Pension Industry Obligations of the Pension Fund After Brexit, the United Kingdom's pension funding hit 900 billion. This resulted in a deficit after the surprise vote that Britain made to leave the European Union (EU). This shortfall prompted some concerns about the future of some retirement schemes since the government would not be able to afford the payment of pension funds anymore (Oliver, 2016, pp.99-110). The vote to leave the European Union was unpredicted and therefore financial markets had not priced in the possibility of the Brexit. According to John Hatchet, the head of corporate consulting at Hymans Robertson, pension funds had limitations such as their ability to adequately protect themselves from such stresses and uncertainties (Layne, 2014, Pp.222-261). Following their vote to leave, the falls in the expectations of the country for the gross domestic product (GDP) of the United Kingdom (UK) would weigh on the equity markets as well as the interest rates. This would, therefore, put more pressure on the funding. The B ank of England implemented actions such as small saving interest rates. According to various financial analysts, many pension funds would implode in the next three years if the Bank of England continues with the low interest rate policy. The Brexit would, therefore, create more pain for the pension funds since there would be continued volatility in the market thereby affecting the health of the benefit schemes of the United Kingdom (Layne, 2014, pp.222-261). These analysts further state that the increased volatility of the sterling pound and the euro would also have a further impact on the pension schemes set by the country. Required Rate of Returns for Pension Funds to Meet those Obligations After the Brexit, the pension funds in Europe were likely to implode over the next two to three years as the Bank of England continued to offer the low interest rate policy (Tatham, 2016, Pp.8). In this case, the required rate of return for the pension funds would be little since the country could no longer afford to pay them or to meet those obligations. The volatility of the yields of retirement funds as well as the sterling pound and the euro would have an effect on the pension schemes as the possibility of the government of the United Kingdom to default payment of those obligations would be very high (Learner, 2016, pp.402). According to David Bennett of Redington Investment Consulting, massive deficits would become the biggest concern for example in BHS, which collapsed this year leaving behind a deficit on pension funds of 571 million (Goodwin, and Heath, 2016, pp.323-332). Apparently, after the Brexit, many corporations both private and public were unable to pay the pension f unds for their employees as the Bank of England had taken actions such as the low interest rate policy. The Impact of Brexit on the Required Rates of Return for Pensioners to Achieve and Maintain an Acceptable Standard of Living The Brexit set back the rates of return of pensioners. Many organizations were unable to meet the pension fund obligations because the Bank of England had taken precautionary measures such as the low interest rate policy (MacShane, 2015, pp.1067-1094). Since the pensioners received small pension funds or none at all, their standards of living tremendously decreased as they could not be able to cope up with the rising costs of living in the United Kingdom (UK) as the sterling pound and the market kept on fluctuating. Many pensioners could no longer afford health care facilities and food as they had heavily depended on the fact that they would be given pension funds by the government, which they would use for survival. This in its entirety shows that the Brexit reduced the returns of the pensioners thus making it impossible to achieve an acceptable standard of living. Conclusion The rise of the Brexit was the increase of all problems for the U.K. It greatly influenced the country in terms of trade and fluctuations of the sterling (Emerson, Avery, Beblavy?, Behrens, Blockmans, Brady, Gros, Ha?jkova?, Lannoo, ?azowski, Nu?n?ez Ferrer, Peers, and Wriglesworth, n.d., Pp.1-109). The U.K. was unable to meet its obligations of paying pension funds thus reducing the returns to meet those requirements. Lastly, the rise of the Brexit led to low standards of living to the residents of U.K. References Kao, J., and Authers, J. (2016). Capital Markets, Pensions and bonds: the problem explained, Bond mathematics and the scale of pension deficits [online]. London: The Financial Times. Pp.2-50. Retrieved on 10 October 2016 from Arnold, G. (2012). Modern financial markets and institutions: The value of the financial system, Bond Markets, Chapter 1. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. Pp.210-299. Retrieved on 10 October 2016. Arnold, G. (2012). Modern financial markets and institutions: Money markets, the time value of money, Chapter 5. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. Pp.300-319. Retrieved on 10 October 2016. Bodie, Z., Kane and Marcus, A. (2014). Investments: Risk, return, and the historical record, Determinants of the level of interest rates, Chapter 5. (10th global edition). Pp.310-318. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. Layne, N. (2014). The Investment Environment, Risk, and Return, Topic 11. Pp.198-218. London: University of London. Retrieved on 10 October 2016. Layne, N. (2014). The Financial System and the Global Financial Crisis, Topic 12. Pp.222-261. London: University of London. Retrieved on 10 October 2016. (2016). Eight reasons Leave won the UK's referendum on the EU. Bbc News. Web. Retrieved on 10th October 2016 from Oliver, T. (2016). The world after Brexit: From British referendum to global adventure. International Politics. Pp.99-110. Retrieved on 10 October 2016. Tatham, A. (2016). The Legitimacy of Discriminatory Disenfranchisement? The Impact of the Rules on the Right to Vote in the Bremain/Brexit Referendum. Perspectives on Federalism, 8(1). Retrieved on 10 October 2016. Learner, S. (2016). The EU Referendum: Brexit news analysis for careers in the UK. Nursing and Residential Care, 18(8), pp.402-402. Retrieved on 10 October 2016. Goodwin, M., and Heath, O. (2016). The 2016 Referendum, Brexit, and the Left Behind: An Aggregate-level Analysis of the Result. The Political Quarterly, 87(3), pp.323-332. Retrieved on 10 October 2016. MacShane, D. (2015). Brexit. London: I.B. Tauris Co. Ltd. Pp.1067-1094. Retrieved on 10 October 2016. Kierzenkowski, R., Pain, N., Rusticelli, E. and Zwart, S. (2016). The Economic Consequences of Brexit. Paris: OECD Publishing. Pp.230-312. Retrieved on 10 October 2016. Emerson, M., Avery, G., Beblavy?, M., Behrens, A., Blockmans, S., Brady, H., Gros, D., Ha?jkova?, A., Lannoo, K., ?azowski, A., Nu?n?ez Ferrer, J., Peers, S. and Wriglesworth, M. (n.d.). Britain's future in Europe, the known Plan A to remain or the unknown Plan B to leave. Pp.1-109. Retrieved on 10 October 2016.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Death Of Salesman Realism Essays - English-language Films
Death Of Salesman Realism Realism can be defined as an attempt to reproduce the surface appearance of the life of normal people in everyday situations (Kennedy 1410). Basically realism is a situation that normal people can relate to based on their own experiences. Realism is extremely prevalent in the play Death of a Salesman. The characters in the play all have real world problems. Lack of money is one of the problems, which is a problem for many people. There are also many conflicts within the family; the biggest is over what success is; money and power or happiness. Willy Loman also wants his children to have a better than he has and tries to do everything he can so they will have a better life, including ending his own. One realistic situation that many people can relate to is money problems. Money is one of the main problems that Willy Loman had throughout the play. The Loman family had many purchases on payments. Linda even states "for the vacuum cleaner there's three and a half due on the fifteenth" (Miller 1650). The Loman family was living from week to week. Every time Willy came home from a fairly successful day selling, he would think he was finally getting ahead. Willy would tell Linda how much he had made, but she would then point out how much they owed on everything. Willy then felt overwhelmed and said "My God, if business don't pick up I don't know what I'm gonna do!" (1650). Linda would then reassure Willy and tell him "Well, next week you'll do better" (1650). Many people in real life have this same problem. Every time they feel they are getting ahead financially, a problem occurs and they find themselves right back where they started. Most people also have to deal with problems and conflicts within their family throughout their life. Family problems were not exempt from the characters in Death of a Salesman. Biff's idea of success was completely opposite from Willy's. Willy viewed success as achieving money and power; Biff however viewed success in life as being happy. Biff realized that "I'm just what I am, that's all" (1703). Biff realized he was "a dime a dozen" (1703), but his father could not accept this reality. This situation where parents always keep telling their children what else they could be is common in many families. In actuality the children are where they want to be in life, but the parents just cannot accept their children's contentment. Biff spent most of his life trying to please Willy, but Biff finally realized that he never could. He was what he was. The most realistic part of the play may have been about how much Willy loved his children and how he wanted their life to be better than his own. Willy raised his children the best he could. The character Ben even seemed to appear when Willy was trying to make a decision on how to make the boys lives better. This situation with Ben makes it appear that Willy has such a hard time making a decision about what is best for the boys, that he relies on his imagination for an answer. The main reason Willy ends up killing himself is because he thinks it will help Biff start his own business with the life insurance money. Willy did everything with the best of intentions and thought his actions and decisions would benefit his children. Most parents are the same way and will do anything in their power to help their children. When reading Death of a Salesman, most people can relate to the problems of the Loman's. The similarities of the Loman's problems to the everyday problems that average people face make this a play full of realism. Bibliography Kennedy, X.J., and Dana Gioia. Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., 1999. 1410 Miller, Arthur. Death of a Salesman. Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. Seventh Edition. X.J. Kennedy, and Dana Gioia. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., 1999.
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